Office 365 is the same Microsoft Office suite you already know and use every day. Your settings roam with you, too, so your files are up-to-date and ready for you to pick up right where you left off, no matter what device you're using. Whatever device you're working on, Office 365 gives you access to everything you need - your documents, email, calendars, contacts and team sites. No matter whether it's a PC, Mac, tablet or phone, we know that you need to be able to work across devices, from anywhere, and have a consistent and fast experience doing it. With a total of seven apps that can be installed on up to 10 separate devices, it's easier than ever to collaborate with your friends, coworkers and classmates.
Get your work stations set up! All College of Business students have free access to a Microsoft Office 365 Education Pro Plus account.

Learning Goals and Objectives for Business Majors.COB Internship Request Form (for juniors/seniors).Changing Majors To The College Of Business.

Incoming International Exchange Students.Find a job, discover an internship, jumpstart your career.